Thursday, February 19, 2009

Easy On Drinking And Driving

cystitis, "Sometimes they come back .........."


cystitis is an inflammatory disorder that affects the bladder more frequently than the female maschile.
La ragione di ciò va ricercata nel fatto che nel sesso femminile l’uretra, vale a dire il condotto che consente di espellere verso l’esterno l’urina, è molto più breve che nell’uomo: 3 – 4 cm contro i 20 cm dell’uomo.
Così l’uso d’indumenti molto stretti, l’utilizzo di biancheria intima sintetica e colorata di nero ( il colore nero rilascia lentamente sostanze irritanti a contatto con la cute e la mucosa dei genitali), manovre errate nell’uso della carta igienica, possono favorire il proliferare di batteri, che spesso provengono dall’intestino.


The result is a disease characterized by an increase in the number of urination during the day (urinary frequency), which are often painful (stranguria). From a special feeling of having to urinate again at the end of urination (tenesmus, due to muscle spasm irritated bladder inflammation), sense of weight above the pubis.
may be accompanied by more or less high fever, nausea, vomiting.
The urinalysis shows pyuria often, that is an abundant amount of white blood cells, even in the absence of a bacterial cause, and that when bacteriuria is significant (greater than 100,000 bacteria / ml) requires a cultural examination.
The microorganisms most frequently involved are Escherichia coli, but may also play a virus. Other times cystitis is accompanied and followed a vaginitis. The
cystitis tend to recur frequently, that is to recur in periods of seasonal change (spring and autumn in particular), in states of stress, in case of fall of the immune system or eating disorders.

humans, this condition can occur after an infection cha has hit the kidney after endoscopic not completely sterile, or as a result of prostatic hypertrophy.

The allopathic therapy involves the use of analgesics to reduce pain and spasm of antibiotics that will be focused on the bacterium in question by a susceptibility, and if it is a viral form the antibiotic is useless unless you suspect a possible bacterial complications, prevention of recurrence.

To prevent recurrence will be helpful to drink much, at least one liter of water a day to dilute the urine and reduce the concentration of bacteria, reducing the consumption of spicy foods, animal fats, fried food, chocolate can irritate the mucous membrane inside the bladder to maintain proper hygiene with neutral or acid, limiting the douches that contain aggressive towards the lipid film, natural protective barrier against bacteria, not to wear pants too tight or synthetic fabric underwear, costumes should not be kept on wet for a long time because sweat and humidity promote the growth of bacteria, urinate before intercourse to reduce microtrauma on the bladder.
natural therapies

In the field of natural therapies a great help comes from Uva Ursi (Arctostaphylos uva ursi), which contains substances called anthraquinones that have an antibacterial especially if the urine is alkaline with its maximum 3-4 hours after administration. It should be avoided in pregnant women in children under 12 years and in subjects with gastritis. If you use the bearberry should not bind the substances that acidify ursi. The Cranberry (Vaccinium vitis IDAE IDEA) has a good ability to contend inflammation of antiseptic and similar substances those grape ursi

The pilosella (Hieracium pilosella) contains hydroxycoumarin responsible for its antibacterial activity, but the plant also possesses diuretic activity and active repair processes of the bladder mucosa. Ol'eleuterococco plants like echinacea stimulates the immune system.

Many natural products of pharmaceutical companies have in their memorandum of products already dosed and mixed in a position to cover all the needs required physiotherapy.

In homeopathy we can use Chantaris, corrosivus Mercurius, Arsenicum album, Staphisagria.

Infine il naturopata non deve dimenticare di controllare la salute intestinale del suo ricevente.
Tutte queste indicazioni andranno valutate ed adattate di volta in volta al caso particolare della persona che ci chiede il suo aiuto, poichè è sempre buona regola ricordare che: esiste il malato e non la malattia.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Christmas Tree Painting

Ciao a Tutti
Mi Chiamo Eugenio Origa, sono un Medico Oertopedico ed un Naturopata,
Ho creato questo blog per chiaccherare con chi, come me, è convinto che per curarsi non è sempre necessario ricorrere substances produced in the laboratory.
feeding, the use OFPRODUCTS nature - plants, minerals, etc. - are able to return the well-being without creating collatio effects.
In this way you can using them, the synthetic products only when absolutely necessary.
Every month I write an article of general interest, even according to your suggestions and curiosity.
I'd also like to exchange views and experiences with other medical practitioners and all those who have found benefit from natural medicine, but also those who received bad news. E 'das just those that you learn to better help suffering.
Thank tuti