Thursday, February 24, 2011

Neetu Singh Indian Actress

Lysmata Debelius

Dopo 3 giorni d'assenza, esce col vestito nuovo (fresco di muta).
Simpatico crostaceo, molto appariscente a bit more so the "cousin" Lysmata amboinensis.
quit anyway as soon as you smell food, catapulting the first thing that passes.
The photos are not exceptional, are the first that I can ask.
fact just entered the pool is gone to make the changes that I found among the rocks, obviously fearing the worst.
Like all others, by clicking on the photo is displayed in actual size.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Nike Freek Wrestling Shoes For Sale

Zebrasoma Scopas

Certain unfortunate incidents and bring new guests in my tank.
Alexander, has set up marine aquarium for a while, but due to a stocking of coal mass evil in a skimmer outside, the glass has overflowed, going to do with short-circuit electrical un'impianto not really done ad hoc.
Now, Alex wants to start again from scratch, so for now it is Zebrasoma guest (along with others).
Should be able to get the tub, and I wish him the heart, Zebrasoma come back to him. For now, you
Fotina of the fish which is well acclimated.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Egyptian Cotton Versus Turkish Cotton


not un'anfipode, but to be a copepod, it seems a little too Grandetta, is it?
As always, clicking on the picture formats XL:)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Monster Energy Corset

Spolipamenti ....

A piccolo video su come stanno le cucciole.
Siamo al 60-70% delle condizioni in vasca, si può migliorare.
Intanto i test dell'acqua hanno dato ottimi esiti, gli obiettivi per ora sono eliminare in fosfati residui (0.02) e molto più avanti innalzare i valori di calcio e magnesio, che per ora sono comunque ben bilanciati (400/1250)