today, taken from the euphoria of a reason that seemed clever, I sent this email to some ministries and mayors
Subject: Surcharge on polluting vehicles and / or bulky.
Regarding the surcharge on polluting vehicles and / or bulky I see it.
Push this surcharge as a handout for vehicles more pollutants and / or bulky.
They say they are studying a way not to persecute the residents, such as mountain communities, where a more suitable off-road is more appropriate at certain times of the year.
speculate relief for families who need more capacious vehicles.
But I think the biggest difference on the road tax should go to municipalities dirattamente.
Let me explain, if I can.
are the mayors who are directly responsible overruns the maximum limits of contaminants, so it's a problem that directly affects them.
If a family is large will have to request the status di famiglia presso il comune in cui risiede, e giustificare la necessità.
Se un Comune di montagna ha una viabilità comunale "disagiata" per un certo numero di frazioni arroccate, dove l'uso di un mezzo fuoristrada e caldamente consigliato e/o necessario, chi può saperlo meglio del Amministrazione Comunale stessa?
Stesso discorso per i comuni con un centro storico oggettivamente non percorribile da mezzi con dimensioni eccessive, devono gestirlo direttamente.
Quindi non vedo, per quale motivo, giustificare il flusso di denaro in nome dell'inquinamento e delle altre condizioni sopra riportate, quando poi questi soldi non torneranno mai verso i comuni stessi per risolvere questi problemi.
Immagino benissimo then there is a risk that this increase is driven to excess by many governments, such as for us who live in Emilia Romagna, but if you have outsourced the responsibility of pollution to the mayor, because the taxes on polluting vehicles should go to the state?
Max G.
Until now, when I happened to send such mail to the various ministries and / or different institutions, have been answered only by the press office and Mr Di Pietro Bianchi, Minister for Infrastructure and Transportation.
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