Sunday, January 17, 2010

Funny Victorian Letter Ending

Eri 180. First impressions

non sapendo che fare volevo fare una mini-recensione di questo silicone;
l'Eri 180.
questo silicone viene dichiarato per vasche fino a 100 litri, ma รจ stato usato by many aquarists have homemade bath, for litraggi well above the mine.

silicone is a very soft and workable, feature great as it penetrates very well in that it leaves mm between two glass panels.

dries really quickly to the touch (not talking about internal cross-linking, a feature that they are unable to assess) in less than 4-5 hours, the excess silicone was already "removable" with a razor blade

apprezzabilissima other feature, the "pieces" that I cut off with a razor blade, an increase of 3-4 times their length before breaking, thinning the size of a spaghetti say, arriving at spesso, non dico di un capello, ma quasi prima di rompersi.

non posso ancora valutare neanche l'aderenza al vetro-

allego un'immagine, cosi chi lo cerca, sa di cosa parlo.


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