Anemone notturno, molto simile alle Aiptasia, ma a differenza delle "cugine" appare solo la notte e non è dannosa per gli altri invertebrati.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Where To Buy In Tacoma Wa Salvia Divinorum
Euphyllia night vision
E' una grande sorpresa avvicinarsi all'acquario di notte, e vedere come si alimentano Sps ed Lps.
Una cosa che non avevo mai visto (e non sospettavo potesse farlo) è vedere le "bocche" dell'Euphyllia Ancora, completamente aperte a poche ore dallo spegnimento delle luci.
Volevo perciò condividere con voi questo scatto notturno
E' una grande sorpresa avvicinarsi all'acquario di notte, e vedere come si alimentano Sps ed Lps.
Una cosa che non avevo mai visto (e non sospettavo potesse farlo) è vedere le "bocche" dell'Euphyllia Ancora, completamente aperte a poche ore dallo spegnimento delle luci.
Volevo perciò condividere con voi questo scatto notturno
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Neetu Singh Indian Actress
Lysmata Debelius
Dopo 3 giorni d'assenza, esce col vestito nuovo (fresco di muta).
Simpatico crostaceo, molto appariscente a bit more so the "cousin" Lysmata amboinensis.
quit anyway as soon as you smell food, catapulting the first thing that passes.
The photos are not exceptional, are the first that I can ask.
fact just entered the pool is gone to make the changes that I found among the rocks, obviously fearing the worst.
Like all others, by clicking on the photo is displayed in actual size.
Dopo 3 giorni d'assenza, esce col vestito nuovo (fresco di muta).
Simpatico crostaceo, molto appariscente a bit more so the "cousin" Lysmata amboinensis.
quit anyway as soon as you smell food, catapulting the first thing that passes.
The photos are not exceptional, are the first that I can ask.
fact just entered the pool is gone to make the changes that I found among the rocks, obviously fearing the worst.
Like all others, by clicking on the photo is displayed in actual size.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Nike Freek Wrestling Shoes For Sale
Zebrasoma Scopas
Certain unfortunate incidents and bring new guests in my tank.
Alexander, has set up marine aquarium for a while, but due to a stocking of coal mass evil in a skimmer outside, the glass has overflowed, going to do with short-circuit electrical un'impianto not really done ad hoc.
Now, Alex wants to start again from scratch, so for now it is Zebrasoma guest (along with others).
Should be able to get the tub, and I wish him the heart, Zebrasoma come back to him. For now, you
Fotina of the fish which is well acclimated.
Certain unfortunate incidents and bring new guests in my tank.
Alexander, has set up marine aquarium for a while, but due to a stocking of coal mass evil in a skimmer outside, the glass has overflowed, going to do with short-circuit electrical un'impianto not really done ad hoc.
Now, Alex wants to start again from scratch, so for now it is Zebrasoma guest (along with others).
Should be able to get the tub, and I wish him the heart, Zebrasoma come back to him. For now, you
Fotina of the fish which is well acclimated.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Egyptian Cotton Versus Turkish Cotton
Friday, February 11, 2011
Monster Energy Corset
Spolipamenti ....
A piccolo video su come stanno le cucciole.
Siamo al 60-70% delle condizioni in vasca, si può migliorare.
Intanto i test dell'acqua hanno dato ottimi esiti, gli obiettivi per ora sono eliminare in fosfati residui (0.02) e molto più avanti innalzare i valori di calcio e magnesio, che per ora sono comunque ben bilanciati (400/1250)
A piccolo video su come stanno le cucciole.
Siamo al 60-70% delle condizioni in vasca, si può migliorare.
Intanto i test dell'acqua hanno dato ottimi esiti, gli obiettivi per ora sono eliminare in fosfati residui (0.02) e molto più avanti innalzare i valori di calcio e magnesio, che per ora sono comunque ben bilanciati (400/1250)
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Welcoming Greetings For Church
Per la serie rocce vive (sono ancora in esplorazione) proponiamo una colonia di... non lo so, ma molto probabilmente xenia, hantelia, o sansibia sp. nata spontaneamente dalle rocce.
La stranezza di questo invertebrato è che non ama la luce e solitamente gli invertebrati la amano.
comunque, se qualcuno riuscisse a meglio identificare l'animale, può aggiungere un commento sempre gradito.
cliccando la foto (su questa come su tutte le altre) la visione sarà ottimale.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Are Women Attracted To Big Noses
Why rocks are called "live" on the layout
In quanti ci hanno preso per scemi, o hanno pensato ad un'esagerazione, quando abbiamo citato le rocce "vive"?
Bhe, in questo post aggiungerò le foto migliori delle rocce "vive" e credo che la prossima volta che le citerete vi diranno ma si muovono anche?
In quanti ci hanno preso per scemi, o hanno pensato ad un'esagerazione, quando abbiamo citato le rocce "vive"?
Bhe, in questo post aggiungerò le foto migliori delle rocce "vive" e credo che la prossima volta che le citerete vi diranno ma si muovono anche?
Financial Accounting 6e Solutions
Last DSB
I could not see the left side of the rock station ... No
just could not see, and now will not see it anymore.
rainy day this morning, the principal calls, you can not work today ... and now what?
I turn on the bathtub, his hour has come ... Levo
animals, and the beginning ...
2 hours of work and now, apart from some small detail, I finally like it.
I have enough free space on the sand, even though I reduced, I have plenty of room for the insertion animals on the rocks, I raised the bottom of the right side, which increases not just the depth, I always left the canyon, which now has been reduced to a channel and I unplugged the rock bottom of the glass, creating a flat central island.
A "me me" like ...
I could not see the left side of the rock station ... No
just could not see, and now will not see it anymore.
rainy day this morning, the principal calls, you can not work today ... and now what?
I turn on the bathtub, his hour has come ... Levo
animals, and the beginning ...
2 hours of work and now, apart from some small detail, I finally like it.
I have enough free space on the sand, even though I reduced, I have plenty of room for the insertion animals on the rocks, I raised the bottom of the right side, which increases not just the depth, I always left the canyon, which now has been reduced to a channel and I unplugged the rock bottom of the glass, creating a flat central island.
A "me me" like ...
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Does Anbesol Help In Healing
Sunday, January 23, 2011
How To Jailbreak Sidekick
Better to learn from children is not it?
Little Gabriel, 2 years, now exposes his knowledge of technology in the aquarium.
Good blood does not lie !!!!!!
Little Gabriel, 2 years, now exposes his knowledge of technology in the aquarium.
Good blood does not lie !!!!!!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Bereded Dragon Stuch In Throat
some pictures in general, just to try the Nikon
a base soppravissuta Acropora Millepora, worms under similar Spyrographs and below again, coralline algae, not unlike a small Montipora folios
coralline algae, again similar to those folios
A test macro: Acropora Florida
Spolipamento Acropora Nobilis
Acropora Florida, so we hope to continue!
and here we have a spell. a cutting of my first coral Acropora Prostrate, practically the daughter dell'acropora I used as a picture of blog.
and here a general overview, you see the sandy bottom covered with diatoms and sometimes some mild colony of cyanobacteria, it is not abnormal for a sandy bottom in just 7 days!
some pictures, made to test the Nikon L110 in the aquarium.
I take her hand in the settings for now we are almost in place, I have to improve focus and colors, and maybe get a stand.
for nothing else to say, it's a Nikon and for me it's okay.
clicking on the photos in this as in almost all the others, you can see in real size.
a base soppravissuta Acropora Millepora, worms under similar Spyrographs and below again, coralline algae, not unlike a small Montipora folios
coralline algae, again similar to those folios
A test macro: Acropora Florida
Spolipamento Acropora Nobilis
Acropora Florida, so we hope to continue!
and here we have a spell. a cutting of my first coral Acropora Prostrate, practically the daughter dell'acropora I used as a picture of blog.
and here a general overview, you see the sandy bottom covered with diatoms and sometimes some mild colony of cyanobacteria, it is not abnormal for a sandy bottom in just 7 days!
some pictures, made to test the Nikon L110 in the aquarium.
I take her hand in the settings for now we are almost in place, I have to improve focus and colors, and maybe get a stand.
for nothing else to say, it's a Nikon and for me it's okay.
clicking on the photos in this as in almost all the others, you can see in real size.
Cb Radio Frequency Chart
marine aquarium
We try to do a video ... chissà possa rendere l'idea, anche se dal vivo è tutta un'altra cosa.
Non vedo l'ora che si stabilizzi il tutto per potermi divertire un po :D
We try to do a video ... chissà possa rendere l'idea, anche se dal vivo è tutta un'altra cosa.
Non vedo l'ora che si stabilizzi il tutto per potermi divertire un po :D
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Limited Edition Knightsbridge Doll
Video Review LGs800sp impressions
scegliamo uno skimmer per le nostre vasche, un'ottimo rapporto qualità/prezzo viene da LGS-
qui voglio parlare di un, a mio avviso, Mostro.
lo skimmer LGS800sp.
partendo dall'enorme disponibilità di Geppy in fase prevendita, arriva la confezione.
Niente scatoloni firmati, con foto o altro, ma una semplice scatola di cartone di manifattura artigianale.
apriamo lo scatolone e totalmente immerso in palline di polistirolo, la prima cosa che acchiappo è il bicchiere, o meglio il "secchio" dello skimmer, grande, grande per me che per le mani ho avuto solo 5-6 skimmer (seaclone, TF1000, deltec MCE300, e forse l'unico paragonabile per dimensioni ma solo visto, l'H&S del mio amico Leo)
continuando a frugare nel mare di polistirolo levo il corpo dello skimmer.... tozzo mi dico, e pesa pure, no non sono plastichine.
Non mi dilungo a parlare di marca e modello di pompa, girante ecc, perchè sono dettagli che potete trovare sul sito di LGS
Monto lo skimmer e lo provo in acqua dolce, giusto per provarlo e lavarlo... uhm... no, ho paura che non funzioni, bolle enormi... but it is fresh water, tap water and the skimmer sopprattutto has just been lifted from the carton.
the wipe and place in its box where he stayed for almost a year.
finish the tub, his hour has come.
I fill the sump (60-70 liters) with real sea water diluted with RO up to 1026 density, we assemble with a pump from 700l.
switch it on, you hear nothing but sometimes a slight gurgle aspiration.
Foam!, So foam, foam, dense and white and not to boast about the product, much, much foam.
The neck is filled almost immediately, but still nothing in the glass ... 2 hours after rechecking, the package is empty and foam only slightly.
I raise my glass, the neck is oily ... were only 70 liters of pure sea water RO cut with and has managed to pull a film consisting of a bomb .... I tell you!
finish filling the tank, and put the sand .. now I want to see Monster ... Sgobba!
a little gem ... I think my LGs800sp is the only one without stand: D
17:19 hours the pool is under these conditions.
17:48 hours the glass is full of dirty water far more than the tank, um .... no, do not fool me, too wet. I need a foam
intense, I can not close the air valve ... lower the level of the skimmer through the discharge port of the same and the water level the base of the neck of the skimmer body.
18:34 hours, 1 / 2 inch "foam", more than anything else, a real limo just put the sand.
after 2 days, the water was no longer visible.
The adjustment is the most simple and that there are two
1) regulate the height of the water column inside the skimmer, acting on the exhaust .... in practice the pull up or down to expectations, which prefer to get the water
2) a rubinettino (also Grandetta to be just an air intake) allows you to adjust the air / water.
I set the column of water about 2 cm below the neck of the skimmer and the air fully open.
The foam is light brown in color chiaro, tipo birra scura per intenderci.
con 3 pesci su 500-600 litri circa, leva un cm di schiumato al giorno.
Non male, bella bestiola questo LGS800sp !!!
scegliamo uno skimmer per le nostre vasche, un'ottimo rapporto qualità/prezzo viene da LGS-
qui voglio parlare di un, a mio avviso, Mostro.
lo skimmer LGS800sp.
partendo dall'enorme disponibilità di Geppy in fase prevendita, arriva la confezione.
Niente scatoloni firmati, con foto o altro, ma una semplice scatola di cartone di manifattura artigianale.
apriamo lo scatolone e totalmente immerso in palline di polistirolo, la prima cosa che acchiappo è il bicchiere, o meglio il "secchio" dello skimmer, grande, grande per me che per le mani ho avuto solo 5-6 skimmer (seaclone, TF1000, deltec MCE300, e forse l'unico paragonabile per dimensioni ma solo visto, l'H&S del mio amico Leo)
continuando a frugare nel mare di polistirolo levo il corpo dello skimmer.... tozzo mi dico, e pesa pure, no non sono plastichine.
Non mi dilungo a parlare di marca e modello di pompa, girante ecc, perchè sono dettagli che potete trovare sul sito di LGS
Monto lo skimmer e lo provo in acqua dolce, giusto per provarlo e lavarlo... uhm... no, ho paura che non funzioni, bolle enormi... but it is fresh water, tap water and the skimmer sopprattutto has just been lifted from the carton.
the wipe and place in its box where he stayed for almost a year.
finish the tub, his hour has come.
I fill the sump (60-70 liters) with real sea water diluted with RO up to 1026 density, we assemble with a pump from 700l.
switch it on, you hear nothing but sometimes a slight gurgle aspiration.
Foam!, So foam, foam, dense and white and not to boast about the product, much, much foam.
The neck is filled almost immediately, but still nothing in the glass ... 2 hours after rechecking, the package is empty and foam only slightly.
I raise my glass, the neck is oily ... were only 70 liters of pure sea water RO cut with and has managed to pull a film consisting of a bomb .... I tell you!
finish filling the tank, and put the sand .. now I want to see Monster ... Sgobba!
a little gem ... I think my LGs800sp is the only one without stand: D
17:19 hours the pool is under these conditions.
17:48 hours the glass is full of dirty water far more than the tank, um .... no, do not fool me, too wet. I need a foam
intense, I can not close the air valve ... lower the level of the skimmer through the discharge port of the same and the water level the base of the neck of the skimmer body.
18:34 hours, 1 / 2 inch "foam", more than anything else, a real limo just put the sand.
after 2 days, the water was no longer visible.
The adjustment is the most simple and that there are two
1) regulate the height of the water column inside the skimmer, acting on the exhaust .... in practice the pull up or down to expectations, which prefer to get the water
2) a rubinettino (also Grandetta to be just an air intake) allows you to adjust the air / water.
I set the column of water about 2 cm below the neck of the skimmer and the air fully open.
The foam is light brown in color chiaro, tipo birra scura per intenderci.
con 3 pesci su 500-600 litri circa, leva un cm di schiumato al giorno.
Non male, bella bestiola questo LGS800sp !!!
Sharp Pain 39 Weeks Pregnant
objective of sharing, DSB and rock canyon
Finalmente dopo tanto, si riparte con la nuova vasca!!!!
allora, la vasca è un cubo, 86x86x65 h con vetro float per il fondo e i 2 lati non visibili da (se non erro) 15mm
i 2 frontali visibili invece, sono in cristallo extrachiaro, il tutto siliconato e fatto da io :)
doppio scarico da 40 mm (non si sa mai)
l'illuminazione è affidata ad una lampada aqualine 10k montata su riflettore lumenarcIII and with magnetic ballast.
The movement in the tank will soon be updated, as the final movement pumps are coming soon, for now I have 2 tide 4400 (just enough)
Below we have a sump from 90L, which is placed in a skimmer LGS800sp, the 'inevitable Elos ago by Rea 120 calcium reactor, while the delivery is entrusted to the classic indestructible Eheim 1260.
The refilling system will be like last time consists of floating-mail and tank of 30l.
The management system will now be very simple and basic, waiting for the DSB to mature and to evaluate which system-oriented management.
This time there will be a pool composed only or mostly SPS but I would like a bit more movement, then in the lower areas will surely find one or two ceriantus, probably a Tridacna, and if I can find "living" and a Catalaphillia un'Heliofungia.
As I fish to make a score of chromis, definitely a pair of Amphiprion, a flavescens, and then we'll see. The SPS
few but large.
hours of course there are a lot of diatoms on the sand, but does not bother me that much, as they came disappear. I can finally
ridirlo: THE PICTURES TO YOU !!!!!
every comment is welcome:
Finalmente dopo tanto, si riparte con la nuova vasca!!!!
allora, la vasca è un cubo, 86x86x65 h con vetro float per il fondo e i 2 lati non visibili da (se non erro) 15mm
i 2 frontali visibili invece, sono in cristallo extrachiaro, il tutto siliconato e fatto da io :)
doppio scarico da 40 mm (non si sa mai)
l'illuminazione è affidata ad una lampada aqualine 10k montata su riflettore lumenarcIII and with magnetic ballast.
The movement in the tank will soon be updated, as the final movement pumps are coming soon, for now I have 2 tide 4400 (just enough)
Below we have a sump from 90L, which is placed in a skimmer LGS800sp, the 'inevitable Elos ago by Rea 120 calcium reactor, while the delivery is entrusted to the classic indestructible Eheim 1260.
The refilling system will be like last time consists of floating-mail and tank of 30l.
The management system will now be very simple and basic, waiting for the DSB to mature and to evaluate which system-oriented management.
This time there will be a pool composed only or mostly SPS but I would like a bit more movement, then in the lower areas will surely find one or two ceriantus, probably a Tridacna, and if I can find "living" and a Catalaphillia un'Heliofungia.
As I fish to make a score of chromis, definitely a pair of Amphiprion, a flavescens, and then we'll see. The SPS
few but large.
hours of course there are a lot of diatoms on the sand, but does not bother me that much, as they came disappear. I can finally
ridirlo: THE PICTURES TO YOU !!!!!
every comment is welcome:
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