Finalmente dopo tanto, si riparte con la nuova vasca!!!!
allora, la vasca è un cubo, 86x86x65 h con vetro float per il fondo e i 2 lati non visibili da (se non erro) 15mm
i 2 frontali visibili invece, sono in cristallo extrachiaro, il tutto siliconato e fatto da io :)
doppio scarico da 40 mm (non si sa mai)
l'illuminazione è affidata ad una lampada aqualine 10k montata su riflettore lumenarcIII and with magnetic ballast.
The movement in the tank will soon be updated, as the final movement pumps are coming soon, for now I have 2 tide 4400 (just enough)
Below we have a sump from 90L, which is placed in a skimmer LGS800sp, the 'inevitable Elos ago by Rea 120 calcium reactor, while the delivery is entrusted to the classic indestructible Eheim 1260.
The refilling system will be like last time consists of floating-mail and tank of 30l.
The management system will now be very simple and basic, waiting for the DSB to mature and to evaluate which system-oriented management.
This time there will be a pool composed only or mostly SPS but I would like a bit more movement, then in the lower areas will surely find one or two ceriantus, probably a Tridacna, and if I can find "living" and a Catalaphillia un'Heliofungia.
As I fish to make a score of chromis, definitely a pair of Amphiprion, a flavescens, and then we'll see. The SPS
few but large.
hours of course there are a lot of diatoms on the sand, but does not bother me that much, as they came disappear. I can finally
ridirlo: THE PICTURES TO YOU !!!!!
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