Video Review LGs800sp impressions scegliamo uno skimmer per le nostre vasche, un'ottimo rapporto qualità/prezzo viene da LGS-
qui voglio parlare di un, a mio avviso, Mostro.
lo skimmer LGS800sp.
partendo dall'enorme disponibilità di Geppy in fase prevendita, arriva la confezione.
Niente scatoloni firmati, con foto o altro, ma una semplice scatola di cartone di manifattura artigianale.
apriamo lo scatolone e totalmente immerso in palline di polistirolo, la prima cosa che acchiappo è il bicchiere, o meglio il "secchio" dello skimmer, grande, grande per me che per le mani ho avuto solo 5-6 skimmer (seaclone, TF1000, deltec MCE300, e forse l'unico paragonabile per dimensioni ma solo visto, l'H&S del mio amico Leo)
continuando a frugare nel mare di polistirolo levo il corpo dello skimmer.... tozzo mi dico, e pesa pure, no non sono plastichine.
Non mi dilungo a parlare di marca e modello di pompa, girante ecc, perchè sono dettagli che potete trovare sul sito di
LGS Monto lo skimmer e lo provo in acqua dolce, giusto per provarlo e lavarlo... uhm... no, ho paura che non funzioni, bolle enormi... but it is fresh water, tap water and the skimmer sopprattutto has just been lifted from the carton.
the wipe and place in its box where he stayed for almost a year.
finish the tub, his hour has come.
I fill the sump (60-70 liters) with real sea water diluted with RO up to 1026 density, we assemble with a pump from 700l.
switch it on, you hear nothing but sometimes a slight gurgle aspiration.
Foam!, So foam, foam, dense and white and not to boast about the product, much, much foam.
The neck is filled almost immediately, but still nothing in the glass ... 2 hours after rechecking, the package is empty and foam only slightly.
I raise my glass, the neck is oily ... were only 70 liters of pure sea water RO cut with and has managed to pull a film consisting of a bomb .... I tell you!
finish filling the tank, and put the sand .. now I want to see Monster ... Sgobba!
a little gem ... I think my LGs800sp is the only one without stand: D
17:19 hours the pool is under these conditions.
17:48 hours the glass is full of dirty water far more than the tank, um .... no, do not fool me, too wet. I need a foam
intense, I can not close the air valve ... lower the level of the skimmer through the discharge port of the same and the water level the base of the neck of the skimmer body.
18:34 hours, 1 / 2 inch "foam", more than anything else, a real limo just put the sand.
after 2 days, the water was no longer visible.
The adjustment is the most simple and that there are two
1) regulate the height of the water column inside the skimmer, acting on the exhaust .... in practice the pull up or down to expectations, which prefer to get the water
2) a rubinettino (also Grandetta to be just an air intake) allows you to adjust the air / water.
I set the column of water about 2 cm below the neck of the skimmer and the air fully open.
The foam is light brown in color chiaro, tipo birra scura per intenderci.
con 3 pesci su 500-600 litri circa, leva un cm di schiumato al giorno.
Non male, bella bestiola questo LGS800sp !!!