between 48 and 52 years the woman enters menopause. The age of onset depends on a number of factors such as hereditary predisposition, ethnicity, geographic region.
For example, in women who are born and living in latitudes close to the equator menses at an earlier age than women who are born and live in temperate latitudes or "Nordic."
more so is the early onset of childbearing, menopause arrives sooner.
Nutrition and physical activity play, too, plays an important role.
may happen to take, the meat plant, substances that act like - hormonal compounds from the feed or fertilizer.
Women who exercised at a competitive level, often have changes in the duration of the fertile period, especially when they use substances, shall we say, "reinforcing".
well as in a natural way, menopause can occur after any surgery involving the removal of the ovaries.
In periodo della menopausa si modifica il delicato equilibrio tra la ghiandola ipofisi, contenuta nel cervello, e le ovaie, cosi che la quantità di ormoni estrogeni e progestinici circolanti si riduce a livelli molto bassi; in tal modo non sono in grado di realizzare tutti quei fenomeni che sono tipici del periodo fertile e che abbiamo accennato nella prima parte dell’articolo.
Un certo numero di donne alla comparsa della menopausa, non avverte il benché minimo fastidio e anzi, spesso sono sollevate dal suo arrivo, considerando il ciclo mestruale a livello di una “seccatura”.
Ma la stragrande maggioranza avverte sensazioni come vampate di calore improvviso, sudorazioni, tachicardia, e un senso di leggera tristezza, che in some cases can get to the real depression.
that could happen ..
must also be recalled that after the menopause in women increases the risk of getting cardiovascular disease (hypertension) and bone (osteoporosis).
Hot flashes and sweating are linked to the fact that alter the delicate hormonal balance of estrogen - progestin "bust" our internal thermostat - the hypothalamus - but read as a high body temperature actually changed only a few cents degrees. Therefore, sweat and flushing to remove excess heat.
The cardiovascular risk is related to the failure to use cholesterol to synthesize the hormones estrogen and progestin: this excess cholesterol can be deposited in the vessels, damaging them.
L ' osteoporosis occurs for the reduced activation of osteoblasts, the bone cells delegated to its reconstruction, its stimulated by estrogen, in contrast to osteoclasts, the bone cells that remove worn out, are very active and continue to work by removing the bone calcium, responsible for bone strength and proteins on which they are deposited, responsible for the elasticity of the bone.
L ' emotional is linked to the fact that the cessation of the fertile period can make a woman feel diminished its role as procreative, and no female hormones work at the level of neurotransmitters on the brain structures responsible for emotion. The skin
body and the mucous membranes of the genital organs lose elasticity and tone: this, together with loss of libido may make it difficult lives of two women in still, after all, young.
Ad un certo momento, la quantità di energia posseduta dalla donna non è più in grado di sostenere adeguatamente la creazione di un’altra vita, e l’organismo riduce spontaneamente questa la possibilità di questa evenienza.
Spesso la menopausa è vissuta come una patologia, anche per il modo in cui è fatta percepire dai mezzi di mossa (giornale, televisione etc.).
Il Naturopata può be of great help to women who enter this period of their lives.
Once the woman was framed by a medical point of view (blood tests, MOC, etc..) You can intervene at various levels.
can advise of phytoestrogens, substances of plant origin that is derived from soy or red clover, which have a hormone estrogen action and to help maintain good bone tropism, thus removing the danger of an osteoporosis and reducing the irritating dryness of the genital mucosa, allowing a good relationship.
action of phytoestrogens is also expressed on the prevention of cardiovascular disease.
From a symptomatic point of view the sage helps to overcome hot flashes and sweats, the hawthorn acts on cardiovascular disorders. On the emotional level
lime helps to overcome anxiety and insomnia.
L ' adequate food, the' moderate physical activity are constant and other weapons at our disposal that alienate the occurrence of a cardiovascular and bone pain. Obviously, the factors to be considered
concomitant risk: smoking, diabetes, stress, family history etc.. The
Bach Flower play a useful role, such as Walnut for changes of menopause, Rock Water exceptional dryness in the vaginal mucosa, Chicory forms of menopause early.
will always remember the importance of evaluating each individual well before deciding which form of therapy is best suited for him, since every being is a universe unto itself.
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