Sunday, May 3, 2009

Remedy For Alopecia Areata Barbae



Negli ultimi anni chi si occupa di salute ha centrato la sua attenzione sul crescente aumento di persone che sono affette da OBESITÀ , in modo particolare nella popolazione infantile: fenomeno legato al benessere economico che consente di raggiungere facilmente le risorse alimentari cui si accompagna una inadeguata educazione all’igiene alimentare.
L’obesità determina un incremento delle patologie cardiovascolari, del diabete, dell’osteoporosi, e influenza negativamente la fertilità, con un danno oltre che per la salute anche per le risorse economiche di ogni stato, impegnate a curare per anni questi malati.
Per contro è in aumento anche la patologia opposta, l ANORESSIA , legata ad una immagine della donna mediata dal mondo della moda ma sopratutto a fenomeni emotivi che trovano la loro radice in un alterato rapporto familiare, dove il soggetto anoressico lancia la sua protesta utilizzando l’unico mezzo “visibile” a sua disposizione: il corpo.
Al di là di queste due condizioni estreme è esperienza abbastanza comune il rilevare come le modificazioni del peso siano in grado di influenzare molti parametri della nostre funzioni vitali.

Anatomy and Physiology
To better understand this topic in the first part of this article you will need to take a little trip to explore the function of adipose tissue and the human reproductive system.
..... players
The ADIPOSE TISSUE tissue was considered as inert, asleep, only able to dispose of or store fat. Recently
psycho - neuro - endocrine - immunology, has promoted the adipose tissue adipose organ to , the fact that it has the ability to produce a series of hormones, intervening actively in the regulation of fertility in both men and women, sugar metabolism and immunity, as well as a physical role in maintaining body temperature.

The adipose organ is composed of two distinct cell populations that are called "adipocytes", which can be white or brown.

The Brown Adipocytes have the ability to produce energy as heat and are particularly abundant in the growth period, and then gradually fell to a number of their transformations in white adipocytes, while retaining the ability to return to brown if conditions require.
During body growth the body needs a large amount of energy that can be provided in the form of heat, useful for increasing the speed of chemical reactions that form the basis of our metabolism, that is our ability to transform elements simple - such as fatty acids, amino acids and sugars - compiesse structures that form our organs and systems.

The white adipocytes are our depot fats accumulate when they are in excess or to use when energy reserves are low. In addition they are able to synthesize various hormones that interact at different levels: the contribution in the regulation of food in regulating the use of sugars in regulating the activity of male and female sexual organs.

The best known of these hormones is the LEPTIN . One function of leptin is to regulate the introduction of food due to the influence on ' Hypothalamus , a nerve structure located at the base of the brain responsible of maintaining our homeostasis, that is, all the series of conditions that guarantee the welfare of the body.
In the hypothalamus there are groups of neurons referred to as "cores" that perform various functions: to regulate hunger, thirst, temperature, etc..

Leptin works by inhibiting the Center of Fame hypothalamus. In the event we introduce a small amount of food, the reduction in the number of white adipocytes involves the failure of leptin secretion. In this way, the Centre of Fame hypothalamus activates and invites us to bring food. As the food is introduced resets the number of adipocytes and leptin returns to be produced, thus inhibiting the activity del centro della fame: l’introduzione di cibo cessa.
La leptina interviene anche nella regolazione della funzione ormonale gonadica, nel funzionamento della tiroide e delle ghiandole surrenali.
Altri ormoni prodotti dagli adipociti sono implicati nella regolazione della attività ormonale della l’insulina e quindi nel metabolismo degli zuccheri.

In ultimo ricordiamo l’ AROMATASI : si tratta di un enzima presente nelle ovaie, nel fegato, nel muscolo, nell’osso ed in minor misura nell’organo adiposo, appunto.
La funzione di questo enzima è quella di trasformare gli ormoni sessuali maschili, il testosterone e l’androsterone in the class of the female hormone estrogen, estradiol and estrone, respectively. For example, in menopausal women estrogen production is carried in almost all body fat. For some authors, the production of estrogen in women depend on their own two-thirds of the aromatase activity of the adipose organ.
A curiosity: both male and female hormones are produced from the cholesterol molecule.

L ' female reproductive system consists of the vulva, vagina, uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries, and in particular we will take care of the uterus and ovaries. L ' UTERO è un organo cavo destinato ad accogliere il prodotto del concepimento; è situato nella parte inferiore della cavità del bacino, detta pelvi, ed è collegato alle due OVAIE attraverso due piccoli condotti detti TUBE UTERINE , che consentono il passaggio sia degli ovuli sia degli spermatozoi; è nelle tube uterine che avviene il fenomeno della FECONDAZIONE , cioè l’incontro tra spermatozoo ed ovocita o ovulo, che darà il via ad una nuova vita.

Le ovaie sono delle ghiandole endocrine in grado di produrre di volta in volta ormoni estrogeni ed ormoni progestinici a seconda del periodo del "Cycle".
fact in the first half of the cycle are estrogen products necessary to the maturation of FOLLICLE , a small bag present in the ovary and the egg it contains. Each ovary contains several hundreds of thousands of follicles that, in turn, undergo maturation.
Once ovulation occurred, ie, the mature egg cell is projected outward to the tube, the follicle becomes a corpus luteum , capable of producing hormones like progesterone useful to maintain the lining of the uterus ready to accept the fertilized egg. If fertilization occurs the corpus luteum survives increases in size and continues to produce progesterone to maintain pregnancy, but if fertilization does not occur the casing luteum stops producing progesterone, the endometrium atrophies and no longer fed, breaks up giving rise to MENSTRUAL .
..... control system ..
The production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone by the ovary is regulated by the structure we have already seen talking body fat: the ' Hypothalamus which in turn triggers an endocrine gland, the' Pituitary , connected by a small canal.

The pituitary gland produces two hormones called gonadotropin : l ' FSH determining oocyte production of estrogen, el' LH stimulates the production of progesterone instead, all under the control of a hypothalamic hormone, the Gn - RH.
secretion of Gn - RH (gonadotrophin-releasing hormone for) is not continuous but pulsatile manner and therefore also the release of FSH and LH from the pituitary pulsatile follow this trend. The frequency and intensity of the secretion Gn - RH will vary depending on age and time of the cycle. Epinephrine stimulates the release of Gn - RH, while the endogenous opioids, substances that inhibit the perception of pain, inhibit the secretion of Gn - RH. Endogenous opioids are produced abundantly in the event of prolonged stress resulting in inhibition of activity of the fertile woman.

Estrogens are produced by the ovary, as we have seen, since the male hormones and through the intervention of an enzyme called aromatase.
The congenital absence of this enzyme may result in pregnancy phenomena of hirsutism in women which were resolved after birth, the newborn at birth have a virilizzatone external genitalia with pseudohermaphroditism; in adult women, the lack of production of estrogen involves the delay in onset of puberty, absence of menstruation (amenorrhea ) and atrophy of the mammary glands. Estrogen is, in fact, also essential for the development of secondary sexual characteristics: muscle structure, hair and body fat distribution apparatus, the development of mammary glands etc.
... do not forget the man ..
In men with aromatase deficiency is manifested by low stature, obesity, osteoporosis, infertility. This contrasts with the logic that in the male hormone testosterone is responsible for both primary and secondary sexual characteristics. In fact, the presence of aromatase in the male converts a part of male hormones into estrogen, which are important to regulate the release of Gn - RH from the hypothalamus, and its deficiency leads to a lack of activity of Gn - RH with the disturbances that we have described.


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