In the first part we briefly explored the key features of the adipose organ and female reproductive tract.
must now clarify how the two systems are linked and how changes in weight and physical activity may influence .
Body weight is composed of a lean mass and fat mass. The
lean normally tends to remain constant over time or otherwise undergoes minor changes that are evident only in the long distance of time: it is the muscles and bones, lean body mass is particularly rich in water (approximately 60% ) and strongly influences the metabolism, more muscle we have more calories, both at rest and during exercise. The
FAT is the fat body, is very poor and water does not burn calories. A certain percentage of body fat must be present to a greater extent in women than men to ensure proper sexual function and reproduction. In
Body fat can be distinguished: the essential fatty contained in the bone marrow, heart, lungs, spleen, kidney, gut muscle and nervous system and is equal to 3% by weight human body and 12% of body weight in women, the fat storage located beneath the skin or cover the viscera and is equal to 12% of body weight in males and 15% of body weight in females.
Therefore fat mass represents 15% of body weight in male and 25% (+ / - 2%) of body weight in females.
Obviously these values \u200b\u200bare influenced by ethnicity, age, from food, and physical activity. Some authors say that if the value exceeds the value of Body Fat 20% in males and 30% in women can already speak of obesity.
How to assess
The measurement of body fat using different methods for accuracy and for costs (skinfold, impedance, DEXA, CT, MRI, measuring creatinine, K40, ultrasound)
The most handy is the measurement Body Mass Index (BMI or BMI) is calculated by dividing the weight in kg by height in meters squared. Under this principle, the IMC must not exceed 22% in males and 20% in females.
Another method is to measure waist circumference to the navel and hip circumference in women, the wrist circumference and waist circumference in boys navel. These figures should be related according to the fixed coefficients resulting in the percentage of fat mass. The latter procedure is of significant importance to assess the impact dei rischi di complicanze nelle persone, dal sovrappeso fino all’obesità.
Massa Magra e Massa Grassa sono strettamente legate: un aumento o una diminuzione della Massa Magra comporta anche una aumento o una diminuzione della Massa Grassa. Non accade invece il contrario: ad esempio una dieta ipercalorica associata su una eccessiva sedentarietà portano ad una aumento della Massa Grassa e ad una riduzione della Massa Magra.
Cosa Succede.....
Nelle atlete che fanno agonismo il controllo del peso corporeo come rapporto fra Massa Magra e Massa Grassa è estremamente importante per evitare che una riduzione eccessiva della Massa Grassa leads to the phenomena of sterility. In athletes body fat is considered normal for values \u200b\u200bof 12% in males and 18% in women up to the limits of 4 -5% and male 10 to 12% in women .
When an athlete is in training, if its metabolic system is efficient, the loss of Body Fat will achieve a reduction in circulating leptin, activation of a sense of hunger with the need to bring food.
But if the athlete is overtraining in a situation of poor performance despite a period of unloading. The deficit appears to be related to the combination of training too expensive not supported by an adequate diet.
Ma in che modo la Massa grassa può influenzare il sistema ormonale riproduttivo?
Per poter raggiungere l’ipotalamo la Leptina ha bisogno di un lasciapassare, una proteina trasportatrice, che le consenta di superare la barriera emato – encefalica; quest’ultima sorveglia attentamente le sostanze che possono arrivare al cervello per evitargli dei danni.
Giunta all’ipotalamo la leptina inibisce la produzione, da parte dei neuroni, di una sostanza chiamata: NEUROPETIDE Y.
Il neuropeptide Y stimola la forte assunzione di cibo ed agisce sul sistema ipotalamo – ipofisi inibendo la produzione degli ormoni sessuali.
In termini più semplici, quando la massa grassa è in quantità adeguata, produce that leptin informs the brain that there are reserves of body fat sufficient to ensure, energy, good reproductive performance due to the fact that aromatase is produced in sufficient quantities to transform the male hormones in women.
The athletes, who often have levels of fat below the minimum allowable threshold, produce less leptin, neuropeptide Y increases stimulating introduction to food and inhibiting the synthesis of estrogen results in amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) and altered reproductive function.
On the other hand also the synthesis of estrogen is able to control the synthesis of leptin, so that the brain always has a double confirmation that the system works properly.
Many authors are now convinced that leptin is the signal that triggers the beginning of all the changes that take place at the time of puberty, and regulate its progression,
fact sensitive to leptin receptors are found both in the endometrium that in ' ovary. In addition, the hormone
Gn - RH, produced by the hypothalamus, seems to have a function on food intake, and, as we know, it regulates the secretion of pituitary hormones responsible for the functioning of the gonads, both male and female, confirming the close relationship between the state body fat and reproductive function.
In the first part we briefly explored the key features of the adipose organ and female reproductive tract.
must now clarify how the two systems are linked and how changes in weight and physical activity may influence .
Body weight is composed of a lean mass and fat mass. The
lean normally tends to remain constant over time or otherwise undergoes minor changes that are evident only in the long distance of time: it is the muscles and bones, lean body mass is particularly rich in water (approximately 60% ) and strongly influences the metabolism, more muscle we have more calories, both at rest and during exercise. The
FAT is the fat body, is very poor and water does not burn calories. A certain percentage of body fat must be present to a greater extent in women than men to ensure proper sexual function and reproduction. In
Body fat can be distinguished: the essential fatty contained in the bone marrow, heart, lungs, spleen, kidney, gut muscle and nervous system and is equal to 3% by weight human body and 12% of body weight in women, the fat storage located beneath the skin or cover the viscera and is equal to 12% of body weight in males and 15% of body weight in females.
Therefore fat mass represents 15% of body weight in male and 25% (+ / - 2%) of body weight in females.
Obviously these values \u200b\u200bare influenced by ethnicity, age, from food, and physical activity. Some authors say that if the value exceeds the value of Body Fat 20% in males and 30% in women can already speak of obesity.
How to assess
The measurement of body fat using different methods for accuracy and for costs (skinfold, impedance, DEXA, CT, MRI, measuring creatinine, K40, ultrasound)
The most handy is the measurement Body Mass Index (BMI or BMI) is calculated by dividing the weight in kg by height in meters squared. Under this principle, the IMC must not exceed 22% in males and 20% in females.
Another method is to measure waist circumference to the navel and hip circumference in women, the wrist circumference and waist circumference in boys navel. These figures should be related according to the fixed coefficients resulting in the percentage of fat mass. The latter procedure is of significant importance to assess the impact dei rischi di complicanze nelle persone, dal sovrappeso fino all’obesità.
Massa Magra e Massa Grassa sono strettamente legate: un aumento o una diminuzione della Massa Magra comporta anche una aumento o una diminuzione della Massa Grassa. Non accade invece il contrario: ad esempio una dieta ipercalorica associata su una eccessiva sedentarietà portano ad una aumento della Massa Grassa e ad una riduzione della Massa Magra.
Cosa Succede.....
Nelle atlete che fanno agonismo il controllo del peso corporeo come rapporto fra Massa Magra e Massa Grassa è estremamente importante per evitare che una riduzione eccessiva della Massa Grassa leads to the phenomena of sterility. In athletes body fat is considered normal for values \u200b\u200bof 12% in males and 18% in women up to the limits of 4 -5% and male 10 to 12% in women .
When an athlete is in training, if its metabolic system is efficient, the loss of Body Fat will achieve a reduction in circulating leptin, activation of a sense of hunger with the need to bring food.
But if the athlete is overtraining in a situation of poor performance despite a period of unloading. The deficit appears to be related to the combination of training too expensive not supported by an adequate diet.
Ma in che modo la Massa grassa può influenzare il sistema ormonale riproduttivo?
Per poter raggiungere l’ipotalamo la Leptina ha bisogno di un lasciapassare, una proteina trasportatrice, che le consenta di superare la barriera emato – encefalica; quest’ultima sorveglia attentamente le sostanze che possono arrivare al cervello per evitargli dei danni.
Giunta all’ipotalamo la leptina inibisce la produzione, da parte dei neuroni, di una sostanza chiamata: NEUROPETIDE Y.
Il neuropeptide Y stimola la forte assunzione di cibo ed agisce sul sistema ipotalamo – ipofisi inibendo la produzione degli ormoni sessuali.
In termini più semplici, quando la massa grassa è in quantità adeguata, produce that leptin informs the brain that there are reserves of body fat sufficient to ensure, energy, good reproductive performance due to the fact that aromatase is produced in sufficient quantities to transform the male hormones in women.
The athletes, who often have levels of fat below the minimum allowable threshold, produce less leptin, neuropeptide Y increases stimulating introduction to food and inhibiting the synthesis of estrogen results in amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) and altered reproductive function.
On the other hand also the synthesis of estrogen is able to control the synthesis of leptin, so that the brain always has a double confirmation that the system works properly.
Many authors are now convinced that leptin is the signal that triggers the beginning of all the changes that take place at the time of puberty, and regulate its progression,
fact sensitive to leptin receptors are found both in the endometrium that in ' ovary. In addition, the hormone
Gn - RH, produced by the hypothalamus, seems to have a function on food intake, and, as we know, it regulates the secretion of pituitary hormones responsible for the functioning of the gonads, both male and female, confirming the close relationship between the state body fat and reproductive function.
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