Friday, June 26, 2009

Where Can I Buy Whippets

bag twill bag fabric panama

bag leather fabric
Warp: Raw Cotton
Plot: Cotton and Jute Weaving technique
: Barbed
Produced in cooperation with "Aidy Clarence"
Blog: / aidyclarence

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Residential Pizze Oven

bag skin tissue
Warp: Raw Cotton
Plot: pearl cotton and linen weaving technique
: Panama regular
Produced in cooperation with "clarence Aidy "
Blog: / aidyclarence

Inside Nose Scabs Sinus

regular fabric bag

Warp: Raw Cotton
Plot: Colored Cotton and Raw Cotton Weaving technique
: Barbed
Measures: 0,70 x1, 00

Sunday, June 7, 2009

How To Make A Flower For Your Ear

Body weight, activity 'PHYSICAL AND FERTILITY'. Part III

Finora abbiamo esplorato il modo in cio l’orgwnismo reagise di fronte ad una condizione in cui è sottoposto ad un superlavoro che richiede un consumo di energis non adeguatamente compensato da un suo ripristino in termini di cibo.
Esamineremo ora, brevemente, cosa offre oggi il campo scientifico allopatico ed alternativo, per porre rimedio alla amenorrea.
Questa è solo una piccola parte di ciò che si ha a disposizione

Attualmente, CI SONO SOLO POCHE MOLECOLE AUTORIZZATE AL COMMERCIO : orlistat, sibutramina, rimonabant.

Il primo, orlistat , agisce nell’intestino inibendo le lipasi gastriche e pancreatiche, enzimi fondamentali per l’assimilazione dei grassi.
La sibutramina agisce a livello centrale inibendo la ricaptazione di due neurotrasmettitori, serotonina e noradrenalina e, oltre a ridurre l’appetito, riuscirebbe ad aumentare la termogenesi, cioè a far consumare più energia.
Infine, il rimonabant esercita un’azione bloccante su recettori nervosi particolari inibendo il segnale della fame.
Tuttavia, i benefici, più o meno significativi, offerti da queste terapie devono confrontarsi con gli effetti collaterali rather significant
Recently, moreover, has been discontinued for a molecule with the same type of mechanism of action. The taranabant , this is his name, was effective in reducing the patient's weight, only certain doses, but both the effectiveness and side effects depend on the dosage. The company that found it necessary to suspend the five ongoing studies because the researchers were unable to identify a dose that could guarantee a good relationship between risk and benefit.

The Phytotherapy recommended various herbs such as' Erigeron Canadensis, the Senecio fuchsii , Pulsatilla V . (Contraindicated in pregnancy), Strychnos Ignatii (obtaining the strychnine that at high doses causes muscle spasms and convulsions) may gently stimulate the glands of internal secretion, and particularly the pituitary, particularly in mobilizing those hormones that act balance the thyroid, adrenal and ovarian
L ' Homotoxicology associated with them the ' Acidum Nitricum
then acts on connective tissue. Also in
Homotoxicology we can add Graphites , acting on the circulation) and Helonias that works well on fabrics female germ

L ' Body Therapy offers the combination of Hypophise - Thyroid and ovaire - adrenal dilution of CH 4 alternating with trompe uterine - Muquese uterine always at a dilution of CH 4, and cortico Axe - Hypotalamique.

Obviously the use of such substances will be used when necessary and always under the supervision of a health care that makes appropriate use of the person who has before . In other
words, each substance should be tailored to the needs of the organism to which should be administered.

also a good nutrition and stress control are the basis of maintaining the good relationship between fat mass and lean body mass


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Flour Baby Project Ideas

body weight, activity 'PHYSICAL AND FERTILITY'. Part II

In the first part we briefly explored the key features of the adipose organ and female reproductive tract.
must now clarify how the two systems are linked and how changes in weight and physical activity may influence

Body weight is composed of a lean mass and fat mass. The
lean normally tends to remain constant over time or otherwise undergoes minor changes that are evident only in the long distance of time: it is the muscles and bones, lean body mass is particularly rich in water (approximately 60% ) and strongly influences the metabolism, more muscle we have more calories, both at rest and during exercise. The
FAT is the fat body, is very poor and water does not burn calories. A certain percentage of body fat must be present to a greater extent in women than men to ensure proper sexual function and reproduction. In
Body fat can be distinguished: the essential fatty contained in the bone marrow, heart, lungs, spleen, kidney, gut muscle and nervous system and is equal to 3% by weight human body and 12% of body weight in women, the fat storage located beneath the skin or cover the viscera and is equal to 12% of body weight in males and 15% of body weight in females.
Therefore fat mass represents 15% of body weight in male and 25% (+ / - 2%) of body weight in females.
Obviously these values \u200b\u200bare influenced by ethnicity, age, from food, and physical activity. Some authors say that if the value exceeds the value of Body Fat 20% in males and 30% in women can already speak of obesity.

How to assess
The measurement of body fat using different methods for accuracy and for costs (skinfold, impedance, DEXA, CT, MRI, measuring creatinine, K40, ultrasound)
The most handy is the measurement Body Mass Index (BMI or BMI) is calculated by dividing the weight in kg by height in meters squared. Under this principle, the IMC must not exceed 22% in males and 20% in females.
Another method is to measure waist circumference to the navel and hip circumference in women, the wrist circumference and waist circumference in boys navel. These figures should be related according to the fixed coefficients resulting in the percentage of fat mass. The latter procedure is of significant importance to assess the impact dei rischi di complicanze nelle persone, dal sovrappeso fino all’obesità.
Massa Magra e Massa Grassa sono strettamente legate: un aumento o una diminuzione della Massa Magra comporta anche una aumento o una diminuzione della Massa Grassa. Non accade invece il contrario: ad esempio una dieta ipercalorica associata su una eccessiva sedentarietà portano ad una aumento della Massa Grassa e ad una riduzione della Massa Magra.

Cosa Succede.....
Nelle atlete che fanno agonismo il controllo del peso corporeo come rapporto fra Massa Magra e Massa Grassa è estremamente importante per evitare che una riduzione eccessiva della Massa Grassa leads to the phenomena of sterility. In athletes body fat is considered normal for values \u200b\u200bof 12% in males and 18% in women up to the limits of 4 -5% and male 10 to 12% in women .
When an athlete is in training, if its metabolic system is efficient, the loss of Body Fat will achieve a reduction in circulating leptin, activation of a sense of hunger with the need to bring food.
But if the athlete is overtraining in a situation of poor performance despite a period of unloading. The deficit appears to be related to the combination of training too expensive not supported by an adequate diet.

Ma in che modo la Massa grassa può influenzare il sistema ormonale riproduttivo?
Per poter raggiungere l’ipotalamo la Leptina ha bisogno di un lasciapassare, una proteina trasportatrice, che le consenta di superare la barriera emato – encefalica; quest’ultima sorveglia attentamente le sostanze che possono arrivare al cervello per evitargli dei danni.
Giunta all’ipotalamo la leptina inibisce la produzione, da parte dei neuroni, di una sostanza chiamata: NEUROPETIDE Y.
Il neuropeptide Y stimola la forte assunzione di cibo ed agisce sul sistema ipotalamo – ipofisi inibendo la produzione degli ormoni sessuali.
In termini più semplici, quando la massa grassa è in quantità adeguata, produce that leptin informs the brain that there are reserves of body fat sufficient to ensure, energy, good reproductive performance due to the fact that aromatase is produced in sufficient quantities to transform the male hormones in women.

The athletes, who often have levels of fat below the minimum allowable threshold, produce less leptin, neuropeptide Y increases stimulating introduction to food and inhibiting the synthesis of estrogen results in amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) and altered reproductive function.
On the other hand also the synthesis of estrogen is able to control the synthesis of leptin, so that the brain always has a double confirmation that the system works properly.

Many authors are now convinced that leptin is the signal that triggers the beginning of all the changes that take place at the time of puberty, and regulate its progression,
fact sensitive to leptin receptors are found both in the endometrium that in ' ovary. In addition, the hormone
Gn - RH, produced by the hypothalamus, seems to have a function on food intake, and, as we know, it regulates the secretion of pituitary hormones responsible for the functioning of the gonads, both male and female, confirming the close relationship between the state body fat and reproductive function.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Remedy For Alopecia Areata Barbae



Negli ultimi anni chi si occupa di salute ha centrato la sua attenzione sul crescente aumento di persone che sono affette da OBESITÀ , in modo particolare nella popolazione infantile: fenomeno legato al benessere economico che consente di raggiungere facilmente le risorse alimentari cui si accompagna una inadeguata educazione all’igiene alimentare.
L’obesità determina un incremento delle patologie cardiovascolari, del diabete, dell’osteoporosi, e influenza negativamente la fertilità, con un danno oltre che per la salute anche per le risorse economiche di ogni stato, impegnate a curare per anni questi malati.
Per contro è in aumento anche la patologia opposta, l ANORESSIA , legata ad una immagine della donna mediata dal mondo della moda ma sopratutto a fenomeni emotivi che trovano la loro radice in un alterato rapporto familiare, dove il soggetto anoressico lancia la sua protesta utilizzando l’unico mezzo “visibile” a sua disposizione: il corpo.
Al di là di queste due condizioni estreme è esperienza abbastanza comune il rilevare come le modificazioni del peso siano in grado di influenzare molti parametri della nostre funzioni vitali.

Anatomy and Physiology
To better understand this topic in the first part of this article you will need to take a little trip to explore the function of adipose tissue and the human reproductive system.
..... players
The ADIPOSE TISSUE tissue was considered as inert, asleep, only able to dispose of or store fat. Recently
psycho - neuro - endocrine - immunology, has promoted the adipose tissue adipose organ to , the fact that it has the ability to produce a series of hormones, intervening actively in the regulation of fertility in both men and women, sugar metabolism and immunity, as well as a physical role in maintaining body temperature.

The adipose organ is composed of two distinct cell populations that are called "adipocytes", which can be white or brown.

The Brown Adipocytes have the ability to produce energy as heat and are particularly abundant in the growth period, and then gradually fell to a number of their transformations in white adipocytes, while retaining the ability to return to brown if conditions require.
During body growth the body needs a large amount of energy that can be provided in the form of heat, useful for increasing the speed of chemical reactions that form the basis of our metabolism, that is our ability to transform elements simple - such as fatty acids, amino acids and sugars - compiesse structures that form our organs and systems.

The white adipocytes are our depot fats accumulate when they are in excess or to use when energy reserves are low. In addition they are able to synthesize various hormones that interact at different levels: the contribution in the regulation of food in regulating the use of sugars in regulating the activity of male and female sexual organs.

The best known of these hormones is the LEPTIN . One function of leptin is to regulate the introduction of food due to the influence on ' Hypothalamus , a nerve structure located at the base of the brain responsible of maintaining our homeostasis, that is, all the series of conditions that guarantee the welfare of the body.
In the hypothalamus there are groups of neurons referred to as "cores" that perform various functions: to regulate hunger, thirst, temperature, etc..

Leptin works by inhibiting the Center of Fame hypothalamus. In the event we introduce a small amount of food, the reduction in the number of white adipocytes involves the failure of leptin secretion. In this way, the Centre of Fame hypothalamus activates and invites us to bring food. As the food is introduced resets the number of adipocytes and leptin returns to be produced, thus inhibiting the activity del centro della fame: l’introduzione di cibo cessa.
La leptina interviene anche nella regolazione della funzione ormonale gonadica, nel funzionamento della tiroide e delle ghiandole surrenali.
Altri ormoni prodotti dagli adipociti sono implicati nella regolazione della attività ormonale della l’insulina e quindi nel metabolismo degli zuccheri.

In ultimo ricordiamo l’ AROMATASI : si tratta di un enzima presente nelle ovaie, nel fegato, nel muscolo, nell’osso ed in minor misura nell’organo adiposo, appunto.
La funzione di questo enzima è quella di trasformare gli ormoni sessuali maschili, il testosterone e l’androsterone in the class of the female hormone estrogen, estradiol and estrone, respectively. For example, in menopausal women estrogen production is carried in almost all body fat. For some authors, the production of estrogen in women depend on their own two-thirds of the aromatase activity of the adipose organ.
A curiosity: both male and female hormones are produced from the cholesterol molecule.

L ' female reproductive system consists of the vulva, vagina, uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries, and in particular we will take care of the uterus and ovaries. L ' UTERO è un organo cavo destinato ad accogliere il prodotto del concepimento; è situato nella parte inferiore della cavità del bacino, detta pelvi, ed è collegato alle due OVAIE attraverso due piccoli condotti detti TUBE UTERINE , che consentono il passaggio sia degli ovuli sia degli spermatozoi; è nelle tube uterine che avviene il fenomeno della FECONDAZIONE , cioè l’incontro tra spermatozoo ed ovocita o ovulo, che darà il via ad una nuova vita.

Le ovaie sono delle ghiandole endocrine in grado di produrre di volta in volta ormoni estrogeni ed ormoni progestinici a seconda del periodo del "Cycle".
fact in the first half of the cycle are estrogen products necessary to the maturation of FOLLICLE , a small bag present in the ovary and the egg it contains. Each ovary contains several hundreds of thousands of follicles that, in turn, undergo maturation.
Once ovulation occurred, ie, the mature egg cell is projected outward to the tube, the follicle becomes a corpus luteum , capable of producing hormones like progesterone useful to maintain the lining of the uterus ready to accept the fertilized egg. If fertilization occurs the corpus luteum survives increases in size and continues to produce progesterone to maintain pregnancy, but if fertilization does not occur the casing luteum stops producing progesterone, the endometrium atrophies and no longer fed, breaks up giving rise to MENSTRUAL .
..... control system ..
The production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone by the ovary is regulated by the structure we have already seen talking body fat: the ' Hypothalamus which in turn triggers an endocrine gland, the' Pituitary , connected by a small canal.

The pituitary gland produces two hormones called gonadotropin : l ' FSH determining oocyte production of estrogen, el' LH stimulates the production of progesterone instead, all under the control of a hypothalamic hormone, the Gn - RH.
secretion of Gn - RH (gonadotrophin-releasing hormone for) is not continuous but pulsatile manner and therefore also the release of FSH and LH from the pituitary pulsatile follow this trend. The frequency and intensity of the secretion Gn - RH will vary depending on age and time of the cycle. Epinephrine stimulates the release of Gn - RH, while the endogenous opioids, substances that inhibit the perception of pain, inhibit the secretion of Gn - RH. Endogenous opioids are produced abundantly in the event of prolonged stress resulting in inhibition of activity of the fertile woman.

Estrogens are produced by the ovary, as we have seen, since the male hormones and through the intervention of an enzyme called aromatase.
The congenital absence of this enzyme may result in pregnancy phenomena of hirsutism in women which were resolved after birth, the newborn at birth have a virilizzatone external genitalia with pseudohermaphroditism; in adult women, the lack of production of estrogen involves the delay in onset of puberty, absence of menstruation (amenorrhea ) and atrophy of the mammary glands. Estrogen is, in fact, also essential for the development of secondary sexual characteristics: muscle structure, hair and body fat distribution apparatus, the development of mammary glands etc.
... do not forget the man ..
In men with aromatase deficiency is manifested by low stature, obesity, osteoporosis, infertility. This contrasts with the logic that in the male hormone testosterone is responsible for both primary and secondary sexual characteristics. In fact, the presence of aromatase in the male converts a part of male hormones into estrogen, which are important to regulate the release of Gn - RH from the hypothalamus, and its deficiency leads to a lack of activity of Gn - RH with the disturbances that we have described.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Shiny Chaining Heartgold

menopause, a chat among friends ... - Part

........ but when it arrives?

between 48 and 52 years the woman enters menopause. The age of onset depends on a number of factors such as hereditary predisposition, ethnicity, geographic region.
For example, in women who are born and living in latitudes close to the equator menses at an earlier age than women who are born and live in temperate latitudes or "Nordic."
more so is the early onset of childbearing, menopause arrives sooner.

Nutrition and physical activity play, too, plays an important role.
may happen to take, the meat plant, substances that act like - hormonal compounds from the feed or fertilizer.
Women who exercised at a competitive level, often have changes in the duration of the fertile period, especially when they use substances, shall we say, "reinforcing".
well as in a natural way, menopause can occur after any surgery involving the removal of the ovaries.
In periodo della menopausa si modifica il delicato equilibrio tra la ghiandola ipofisi, contenuta nel cervello, e le ovaie, cosi che la quantità di ormoni estrogeni e progestinici circolanti si riduce a livelli molto bassi; in tal modo non sono in grado di realizzare tutti quei fenomeni che sono tipici del periodo fertile e che abbiamo accennato nella prima parte dell’articolo.
Un certo numero di donne alla comparsa della menopausa, non avverte il benché minimo fastidio e anzi, spesso sono sollevate dal suo arrivo, considerando il ciclo mestruale a livello di una “seccatura”.
Ma la stragrande maggioranza avverte sensazioni come vampate di calore improvviso, sudorazioni, tachicardia, e un senso di leggera tristezza, che in some cases can get to the real depression.

that could happen ..
must also be recalled that after the menopause in women increases the risk of getting cardiovascular disease (hypertension) and bone (osteoporosis).
Hot flashes and sweating are linked to the fact that alter the delicate hormonal balance of estrogen - progestin "bust" our internal thermostat - the hypothalamus - but read as a high body temperature actually changed only a few cents degrees. Therefore, sweat and flushing to remove excess heat.

The cardiovascular risk is related to the failure to use cholesterol to synthesize the hormones estrogen and progestin: this excess cholesterol can be deposited in the vessels, damaging them.
L ' osteoporosis occurs for the reduced activation of osteoblasts, the bone cells delegated to its reconstruction, its stimulated by estrogen, in contrast to osteoclasts, the bone cells that remove worn out, are very active and continue to work by removing the bone calcium, responsible for bone strength and proteins on which they are deposited, responsible for the elasticity of the bone.
L ' emotional is linked to the fact that the cessation of the fertile period can make a woman feel diminished its role as procreative, and no female hormones work at the level of neurotransmitters on the brain structures responsible for emotion. The skin
body and the mucous membranes of the genital organs lose elasticity and tone: this, together with loss of libido may make it difficult lives of two women in still, after all, young.

...d'accordo, è un fenomeno naturale. mo posso fare quakcosa?
La menopausa è un evento naturale, che da un punto di vista della Naturopatia va letto come progressiva perdita di energia dell’organismo che la consuma strada facendo.
Ad un certo momento, la quantità di energia posseduta dalla donna non è più in grado di sostenere adeguatamente la creazione di un’altra vita, e l’organismo riduce spontaneamente questa la possibilità di questa evenienza.
Spesso la menopausa è vissuta come una patologia, anche per il modo in cui è fatta percepire dai mezzi di mossa (giornale, televisione etc.).
Il Naturopata può be of great help to women who enter this period of their lives.

Once the woman was framed by a medical point of view (blood tests, MOC, etc..) You can intervene at various levels.

can advise of phytoestrogens, substances of plant origin that is derived from soy or red clover, which have a hormone estrogen action and to help maintain good bone tropism, thus removing the danger of an osteoporosis and reducing the irritating dryness of the genital mucosa, allowing a good relationship.
action of phytoestrogens is also expressed on the prevention of cardiovascular disease.

From a symptomatic point of view the sage helps to overcome hot flashes and sweats, the hawthorn acts on cardiovascular disorders. On the emotional level
lime helps to overcome anxiety and insomnia.

L ' adequate food, the' moderate physical activity are constant and other weapons at our disposal that alienate the occurrence of a cardiovascular and bone pain. Obviously, the factors to be considered
concomitant risk: smoking, diabetes, stress, family history etc.. The
Bach Flower play a useful role, such as Walnut for changes of menopause, Rock Water exceptional dryness in the vaginal mucosa, Chicory forms of menopause early.
will always remember the importance of evaluating each individual well before deciding which form of therapy is best suited for him, since every being is a universe unto itself.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Indianbigbreast Clips


menopause or climacteric and the period of a woman's life in which they are to cease all functions related to fertility.
From a practical point of view the woman notices the arrival of this moment because the menstrual cycle begins to diminish its appearance and, simultaneously, felt more or less disturbing phenomena such as hot flashes, sudden sweats, weight gain etc. Often you hear about
le donne che vanno incontro alla menopausa come se si trattasse di una patologia.

.....è un fenomeno naturale.......

La menopausa è un fenomeno naturale, fisiologico che indica l’esaurimento di un certo tipo di energia dell’organismo atta a garantire il fenomeno della riproduzione.
Da questo momento in poi l’organismo si mette, per così dire, a riposo.
Per comprendere la menopausa dobbiamo fare un salto indietro e conoscere un pò di fisiologia della donna.
Già nel periodo di vita intrauterina l’embrione di sesso femminile si prepara alla possibilità di diventare madre. Infatti una piccola quantità di ormoni rilasciati dall’embrione in questo periodo comincerà ad attivare le ovaie che prepareranno tutti gli ovuli che, durante la vita, andranno incontro a maturazione. Questo processo sarà portato a termine solo al momento della pubertà - tra i 10 ed i 12 anni - quando la tempesta ormonale finirà il lavoro iniziato nel periodo intrauterino.
Da questo momento in poi un ovaio per volta porterà a maturazione uno o la massimo due ovuli.
Se l’ovulo maturo incontra lo spermatozoo e avviene la fecondazione, l’ovulo fecondato si anniderà nell’utero, appositamente preparato a questo scopo dagli ormoni femminili estrogeni e progestinici: inizia pregnancy.
If, however, the egg is not fertilized, it dies after some time the uterus undergoes a renewal mucosa eliminating the "old" to make way for the new: menstruation appear.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Easy On Drinking And Driving

cystitis, "Sometimes they come back .........."


cystitis is an inflammatory disorder that affects the bladder more frequently than the female maschile.
La ragione di ciò va ricercata nel fatto che nel sesso femminile l’uretra, vale a dire il condotto che consente di espellere verso l’esterno l’urina, è molto più breve che nell’uomo: 3 – 4 cm contro i 20 cm dell’uomo.
Così l’uso d’indumenti molto stretti, l’utilizzo di biancheria intima sintetica e colorata di nero ( il colore nero rilascia lentamente sostanze irritanti a contatto con la cute e la mucosa dei genitali), manovre errate nell’uso della carta igienica, possono favorire il proliferare di batteri, che spesso provengono dall’intestino.


The result is a disease characterized by an increase in the number of urination during the day (urinary frequency), which are often painful (stranguria). From a special feeling of having to urinate again at the end of urination (tenesmus, due to muscle spasm irritated bladder inflammation), sense of weight above the pubis.
may be accompanied by more or less high fever, nausea, vomiting.
The urinalysis shows pyuria often, that is an abundant amount of white blood cells, even in the absence of a bacterial cause, and that when bacteriuria is significant (greater than 100,000 bacteria / ml) requires a cultural examination.
The microorganisms most frequently involved are Escherichia coli, but may also play a virus. Other times cystitis is accompanied and followed a vaginitis. The
cystitis tend to recur frequently, that is to recur in periods of seasonal change (spring and autumn in particular), in states of stress, in case of fall of the immune system or eating disorders.

humans, this condition can occur after an infection cha has hit the kidney after endoscopic not completely sterile, or as a result of prostatic hypertrophy.

The allopathic therapy involves the use of analgesics to reduce pain and spasm of antibiotics that will be focused on the bacterium in question by a susceptibility, and if it is a viral form the antibiotic is useless unless you suspect a possible bacterial complications, prevention of recurrence.

To prevent recurrence will be helpful to drink much, at least one liter of water a day to dilute the urine and reduce the concentration of bacteria, reducing the consumption of spicy foods, animal fats, fried food, chocolate can irritate the mucous membrane inside the bladder to maintain proper hygiene with neutral or acid, limiting the douches that contain aggressive towards the lipid film, natural protective barrier against bacteria, not to wear pants too tight or synthetic fabric underwear, costumes should not be kept on wet for a long time because sweat and humidity promote the growth of bacteria, urinate before intercourse to reduce microtrauma on the bladder.
natural therapies

In the field of natural therapies a great help comes from Uva Ursi (Arctostaphylos uva ursi), which contains substances called anthraquinones that have an antibacterial especially if the urine is alkaline with its maximum 3-4 hours after administration. It should be avoided in pregnant women in children under 12 years and in subjects with gastritis. If you use the bearberry should not bind the substances that acidify ursi. The Cranberry (Vaccinium vitis IDAE IDEA) has a good ability to contend inflammation of antiseptic and similar substances those grape ursi

The pilosella (Hieracium pilosella) contains hydroxycoumarin responsible for its antibacterial activity, but the plant also possesses diuretic activity and active repair processes of the bladder mucosa. Ol'eleuterococco plants like echinacea stimulates the immune system.

Many natural products of pharmaceutical companies have in their memorandum of products already dosed and mixed in a position to cover all the needs required physiotherapy.

In homeopathy we can use Chantaris, corrosivus Mercurius, Arsenicum album, Staphisagria.

Infine il naturopata non deve dimenticare di controllare la salute intestinale del suo ricevente.
Tutte queste indicazioni andranno valutate ed adattate di volta in volta al caso particolare della persona che ci chiede il suo aiuto, poichè è sempre buona regola ricordare che: esiste il malato e non la malattia.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Christmas Tree Painting

Ciao a Tutti
Mi Chiamo Eugenio Origa, sono un Medico Oertopedico ed un Naturopata,
Ho creato questo blog per chiaccherare con chi, come me, è convinto che per curarsi non è sempre necessario ricorrere substances produced in the laboratory.
feeding, the use OFPRODUCTS nature - plants, minerals, etc. - are able to return the well-being without creating collatio effects.
In this way you can using them, the synthetic products only when absolutely necessary.
Every month I write an article of general interest, even according to your suggestions and curiosity.
I'd also like to exchange views and experiences with other medical practitioners and all those who have found benefit from natural medicine, but also those who received bad news. E 'das just those that you learn to better help suffering.
Thank tuti